Friday 10 May 2013

Sharing Our Vision: The challenges we seek to address

Imagine a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn in the varying desirable ways peculiar to each of them; a world that truly acknowledges that every child has the potentials to exceed expectations. A world where every child is made to see the process of lifelong learning as a path to a future blessed with discovery, creativity and self-fulfillment. Such a world is our dream at Brainy Educare.

Before now, education focused on the acquisition of literacy skills: simple reading, writing, and calculating. Generally speaking, educational systems did not see the need to train people to think and read critically, to express themselves clearly and persuasively, nor to solve complex problems in real life situations.

But now, these aspects of high competencies are required of almost everyone in order to successfully negotiate the complexities of today’s contemporary life. The demands for work have increased dramatically, as has the need for organizations and workers to change in response to competitive pressures in their world of work. Thoughtful participation in various spheres of life has also become increasingly complicated as the locus of attention has shifted from local to global concerns. Above all, information and knowledge are growing at a far more rapid rate than ever before in the history of mankind.

As if all of these were not challenging enough, the family— which is the smallest and most reliable unit of support and reassurance for the individual— is smothered beneath all of these emerging demands. The priceless treasures that come with belonging to a family, where life skills are gently passed on from generation to generation, is gradually ceasing to be.

Support services have never been more required than they are now. Both the home and the school communities are in dire need of complementary strategies to improve the quality of education.

Brainy Educare Services addresses all these challenges through a portfolio of services that we offer. We leverage on our wealth of experience, passionate inspiration and undeviating urge for positive change. Our team of educational and child psychologists, medical professionals, motivational speakers, behavioral therapists, counselors and sport coaches are always available to ensure guaranteed customer satisfaction and indeed a worthwhile experience. We have a mission to propel all education stakeholders into action to help every being get motivated for a lifelong learning experience and, as such, become the very best that they can be!

Please join and support us in this mission. 

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